increasingly violent

美 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈvaɪələnt]英 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈvaɪələnt]
  • 越来越强烈
increasingly violentincreasingly violent
  1. These figures show that we are becoming an increasingly violent society .


  2. Outside , the struggle in South Africa had grown increasingly violent .


  3. So , when he grew increasingly violent , she decided to build a cage at home to restrain him .


  4. The7 of10 scenarios are based on the known effect of an increasingly violent wobble on the Earth plates .


  5. Cases of violence by Japanese school students hit a record high in the past year , with elementary students increasingly violent , the education ministry said .


  6. More than 10 attacks have been reported so far this year , with the raiders using increasingly violent methods and heavy weaponry .


  7. With the increasingly violent industrial competition and maturity of hotel customers , China 's hospitality industry has entered into a buyer-oriented market .


  8. All of which begs the question why should anyone else care about the Shanghai market 's increasingly violent ups and downs ?


  9. Since Morsi was thrown out of office , politics in Egypt has grown increasingly violent , and thousands have been killed or arrested .


  10. Uschi escaped from a farm late on Monday and became increasingly violent as she encountered shocked drivers and pedestrians in the city .


  11. In Papua New Guinea , for example , administered by Australia from 1906 to 1973 , many of the social indicators are heading down and it is becoming increasingly violent .


  12. Its time for Russia and Iran to realize that insisting on Assads rule will lead directly to the outcome that they fear : an increasingly violent space for extremists to operate .


  13. In the popular press , as the conflict between labor and capital turned increasingly violent in the 1880s , facial hair became a shorthand for the forcible resistance to capitalism .


  14. At present , with the prevalence of Internet , network attacks are becoming increasingly violent and fierce , The Intrusion Detection been more and more concerned about the attack because it provides a proactive defense technology .


  15. My story is not unique in that the abuse from my Uncle quickly escalated and became increasingly violent . I was beaten , punched , strangled and belted . After all , violent sexual abuse is not about straight sexual intercourse . It is about abuse of power .


  16. In view of increasingly frequent and violent clashes between the media and judicature , to harmonize the relationship between the media and judicature has grown to be an urgent problem in both theory and practice so that a composite force is formed to push forward social justice and fairness .
